Information to Students of FA 14 Students regarding fee related issues

Oct 27, 2014

“Tuition fee is based on Credit hours for session FA14 & calculated on basis of courses registered by students in this semester,

 Following are the per credit hour rates of respective programs;


Under graduate Program Fee (BSCS, BSBA, BSSE, BBS)

Tuition Fee @ Rs. 450/- per credit hour


Master Program Fee (MPA,MBA Executive, MCS, MA ENGLISH, MSc. MATHS)

Tuition Fee @ Rs. 575/- per credit hour


Graduate Programs Fee MS (PM, RBF)

Tuition Fee @ Rs. 1,800/- per credit hour


MBA 1.5 Program Fee (RBA)

Tuition Fee @ Rs. 1,200/- per credit hour"


Tuition Fee was calculated on Fee structure already shared was based on Average Credit hour which was as follows;


Degree Program Tuition Fee
 Per Credit hour (Rs.)
Credit hour per Semester (approx) Tution Fee
 Per Semester
BS(CS) 450 17 7650
BS(BA) 450 17 7650
BS(SE) 450 17 7650
BBS 450 17 7650
MPA 575 17 9775
MBA Exective  575 17 9775
MCS 575 17 9775
MENG 575 17 9775
MMTH 575 17 9775
MS BF 1800 8 14400
MBA 1.5 Y 1200 12 14400
MS PM 1800 8 14400